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Rövid, de annál unalmasabb kéktúra az Alföldön


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"A bolondok rendszerint a mezei virágokért rajongnak. A mezei virágok a föld vad gondolatai, nyílnak magoktól, összevissza."
(Mikszáth Kálmán: Beszterce ostroma)

If we take a trip among them, at least we should know which flowers are next to us when we lay down on the ground, which flowers we tread. In these pages there are flowers, of which we took some photos. These principally consist of the flora of Hungary.

If you see a flower, don't rip it off, not even if there are many of them! Rather take a photo of it, print photo it at home, frame it, and hang it up on your wall! So the flower will always be there and it does not wither.

We use the following sources for plant identification: Simon Tibor: A magyarországi edényes flóra határozója book, Új magyar füvészkönyv book, Milyen növény? topic of forums, and the Botanikai fórum.


  • simple list of generas.
  • if you would like simple view photos from flowers, then this site will be good for you.
  • if you favour the taxonomy, then you will find it here. The taxonomy used in there pages is from the analogy of the 4th issue of book of Simon Tibor mentioned above.
  • if you would like to find a flower by English or scientific(latin) name, you can try the quick search below.
  • if you would like to search by many parameters or conditions, use the complex search.

This humble collection is refreshed regularly; currently there are photos of about 683 species in these pages. You can only find these species by searching here! Number of plant species found on this site group by plant classes.. All data is found on plant datasheets apply to Hungary (e.g. blooming months, conservation status, etc)!

(It searches in latin and english names of plants only)
Number of classes: 5
Number of families: 94
Number of genuses: 347
Number of species: 683
Number of pictures: 5296
Last refresh: 2021-08-11 21:34:00

Last updated plant

Crvena gorèika
Srnovník purpurový
( Prenanthes purpurea L. )
Blooming months
Color of petals
Floral element

Buds at or near the soil surface
Temperate deciduous forest
Moderate moist
Moderate alkaline
no odor
European group - Central-european element
/flowers/img/Compositae/Prenanthes/prenanthes_purpurea1.jpg%%August 4%Keresztkút%Kõszegi-hegység%%#/flowers/img/Compositae/Prenanthes/prenanthes_purpurea2.jpg%%August 4%Keresztkút%Kõszegi-hegység%%#/flowers/img/Compositae/Prenanthes/prenanthes_purpurea3.jpg%%August 4%Keresztkút%Kõszegi-hegység%%#/flowers/img/Compositae/Prenanthes/prenanthes_purpurea4.jpg%%August 4%Keresztkút%Kõszegi-hegység%%#/flowers/img/Compositae/Prenanthes/prenanthes_purpurea5.jpg%%August 4%Keresztkút%Kõszegi-hegység%%#/flowers/img/Compositae/Prenanthes/prenanthes_purpurea6.jpg%%August 4%Keresztkút%Kõszegi-hegység%%#/flowers/img/Compositae/Prenanthes/prenanthes_purpurea7.jpg%%August 4%Keresztkút%Kõszegi-hegység%%#/flowers/img/Compositae/Prenanthes/prenanthes_purpurea8.jpg%%August 4%Keresztkút%Kõszegi-hegység%%
/Prenanthes purpurea L. 2021-08-11 21:34:00/715

Turn overing by name

Next plant in alphabetical order by scientific names
Mountain cowslip (Primula auricula L.)

Turn overing by properties

Next plant with same growth : achene
Edelweiss (Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Heut. em. Laku¹iæ)
Next plant with same conservation status :
European Wild Ginger (Asarum europaeum L.)
Next plant, which starts blooming in same month : June
Spear-leaved Skullcap (Scutellaria hastifolia L.)
Next plant, which ends blooming in same month : August
Northern wolfsbane (Aconitum vulparia)
Next plant, which lives in same soiltype : moderate alkaline
European Wild Ginger (Asarum europaeum L.)
Next plant with same water clime : moderate moist
European Wild Ginger (Asarum europaeum L.)
Next plant with same lifekind : buds at or near the soil surface
European Wild Ginger (Asarum europaeum L.)
Next plant, which lives on same climate : temperate deciduous forest
Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis L.)
Next toxic plant

Turn overing by taxonomy

Next plant in this genus
(Prenanthes purpurea L.)

Turn overing by other

Next plant in uploading order
Next plant randomly
I am going to select the next plant

The next plant means the one by uploading order. If you want to search by other parameters, you can use the complex search, where you have chance to set multiple searching conditions.

Simon Tibor: A magyarországi edényes flóra határozója
Új magyar fûvészkönyv
Borhidi Attila: A zárvatermõk fejlõdéstörténeti rendszertana
Molnár V. Attila: Kétszikûek I. - Boglárkafélék, pillangósok és rokonaik a Kárpát-medencében
Molnár V. Attila: Kétszikûek II. - Ernyõsök, gólyaorrok, tárnicsok és rokonaik a Kárpát-medencében
Molnár V. Attila: Kétszikûek III. - Érdeslevelûek, ajakosak, tátogatók és rokonaik a Kárpát-medencében
Molnár V. Attila: Egyszikûek - Orchideák, nõszirmok, liliomok és rokonaik a Kárpát-medencében
Csapody I.-Csapody V.-Jávorka S.: Erdõ-mezõ növényei
Dr. Isépy István: Gyógynövények (búvár zsebkönyvek sorozat)